Jeg skal i starten af næste år rejse fra Montreal til Cuba og har i den forbindelse 2 spørgsmål: 1. Hvis jeg mellemlander i USA, skal jeg så bruge ESTA? 2. Kan der opstår problemer når jeg med mit danske pas skal rejse fra USA til Cuba? Det er jo kun under særlige omstændigheder man som amerikaner må rejse ind i Cuba. Er jeg underlagt de samme regler når jeg flyver via USA?
Nej du er ikke underlagt de samme regler. Det sagt er der mulighed for at flyve direkte fra Montreal til Havana, mens det "direkte" fly fra Florida mellemlander på Cayman Island, der er ingen grund til at tage over USA for dig.
Husk også, at checke Canadiske ETA: Do I need a visa if I am travelling through Canada without stopping or visiting? If you need a visa to visit Canada, then you need a transit visa to travel through Canada without stopping or visiting. This is true even if you are in Canada for less than 48 hours. There is no fee for a transit visa. You can apply for a transit visa by filling out the application for a visitor visa (Temporary Resident Visa) and selecting transit visa from the list of options on the form. If you need an eTA to visit Canada, then you also need an eTA to transit through Canada without stopping or visiting. An eTA costs $7 CAD and it only takes a few minutes to apply for one. You may not need a transit visa or an eTA if you travel to or from the United States. The Transit Without Visa program (TWOV) and the China Transit Program (CTP) allow certain foreign nationals to transit through Canada on their way to and from the United States without a Canadian transit visa or eTA, if they meet certain requirements. New entry requirement now in effect Visa-exempt foreign nationals need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to or transit through Canada. Exceptions include U.S. citizens and travellers with a valid Canadian visa. Canadian citizens, including dual citizens, and Canadian permanent residents cannot apply for an eTA. The leniency period that allows travellers to board their flight without an eTA ends soon. Be prepared: Apply for an eTA before you book your flight to Canada. Most applicants get approved within minutes. However, some applications can take several days to process so don’t wait until the last minute.