Så kom der en lidt intetsigende mail fra SAS:
SAS and SAS Scandinavia pilots’ unions have reached an agreement
“I am pleased to report that we now have come to an agreement with all four pilot unions for SAS Scandinavia and the strike has ended. Finally, we can resume normal operations and fly our customers on their much longed-for summer holidays. I deeply regret that so many of our passengers have been impacted by this strike. We now get on with the important work of progressing our transformation plan SAS FORWARD and building a strong and competitive SAS for generations to come, with the support of our pilots’ unions and all other stakeholders”, said Anko van der Werff, President & CEO.
Traffic disruptions might continue during the following days while normal traffic is resumed. For up-to-date information on traffic disruptions, please visit
We look forward to welcoming you onboard on your next flight with us.
Best regards, SAS