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SAS’ CEO, Anko van der Werff, står som afsender på en e-mail til medlemmer af EuroBonus. Formålet med e-mailen er helt klar at berolige de loyale kunder. Og overtale dem til at fortsætte med at købe billetter til SAS afgange.
E-mailen til EuroBonus medlemmerne henviser direkte til SAS ansøgning om konkursbeskyttelse. Dette skrev vi tidligere i dag om i denne artikel: Breaking: SAS søger nu konkursbeskyttelse – InsideFlyer DK
Den meget gode nyhed i mailen fra SAS er, at konkursbeskyttelsen ikke giver nogen begrænsning i brugen af allerede købte billetter – og at vi fortsat kan bruge vouchers og gavekort til at betale for billetter.
Desuden skriver SAS, at selskabet ikke planlægger ændringer i EuroBonus og at konkursbeskyttelsen ikke forventes at ville få nogen indflydelse på medlemsstatus. Det nævnes specifikt, at man fortsat vil kunne optjene og bruge EuroBonus point og bevare statusfordele. Jeg vil dog understrege, at alt dette naturligvis afhænger af, at SAS har økonomisk mulighed for at indfri forpligtelserne – derfor nok også de forbehold, der følger af ordene “planlægger” og “forventes”.
Hele mailen er gengivet nedenfor
Mail fra SAS til EuroBonus medlemmer
At SAS, we are proud of the role we play in serving our members and helping our communities across Scandinavia stay connected. We have spent the last months working to strengthen our financial position and become an even better airline for you. Today, we are taking decisive steps to accelerate our transformation.
I wanted to reach out directly to you as a EuroBonus member, to let you know about the actions we are taking to make SAS a stronger competitor in the global aviation industry as passengers continue returning to the sky:
• SAS and certain of its subsidiaries have voluntarily filed for Chapter 11, a legal process for financial restructuring in the U.S. that will enable us to implement key elements of our SAS FORWARD transformation plan. Many large airlines based outside of the U.S. have successfully used this process over the years to reduce their costs.
• We plan no changes to EuroBonus. You can continue to earn points as before and use your points for flights with SAS and partner airlines or with other partners. You can also continue to enjoy your usual EuroBonus benefits.
• This process is expected to have no impact on our customers and hence no impact on your membership status.
• There are no changes to our flight schedule because of this process. Your current bookings remain in effect, and you will be notified as usual of any changes to our scheduled departures although the ongoing SAS Scandinavia pilots’ unions strikes will continue to impact the flight schedule.
• You can continue to book flights online at or through our mobile app. Additionally, you can continue using tickets, vouchers, and gift cards already purchased.
We will keep you informed as we make progress. Additional information about this process is available at SAS’ website.
We are proud of our legacy as Scandinavia’s leading airline. We value our relationship and look forward to continuing to serve you for years to come.
Thank you for your continued loyalty.
Anko van der Werff
President & Chief Executive Officer, SAS
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