Avis Biludlejning giver 1 gratis overnatning på et Club Carlson hotel for 3 dages billeje

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Avis Biludlejning kører i øjeblikket en promotion der giver muligheden for 1 gratis overnatning på et Club Carlson hotel for 3 dages billeje.

bonusfeber - Avis - 9000 CC point for rental - 1

Det gælder fra nu og så indtil 30. juni 2014 (sidst lejedagsog de 3 dages billeje giver så 9.000 Gold Points ind på ens Club Carlson konto. Dette er nok til en gratis overnatning på et af deres katagori 1 hoteller som typisk er Park Inn hotellerne. Der er ikke nogen grænse på dette således at man kan blot booke dette deal flere gange og så hver gang få de 9.000 point. Perfekt til en ferie eller forretningsrejse.

Det er vigtigt når man booker at man benytter følgende kupon kode når man laver sin booking for at sikre at pointene kommer korrekt: MUHA021

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Link til bestillingssiden ved Avis Billudlejning her

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  • Offer of 9,000 total Gold Points is valid on rentals of three days or longer at participating Avis airport locations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Bonus Gold Points are in addition to the base points you receive each time you rent with Avis. 9,000 total Gold Points offer reflects 8,250 bonus points plus 750 base points earned.
  • Bonus points offer valid on all car groups.
  • An advance reservation is required.
  • Offer may not be used with any other coupon, promotion or offer except your AWD discount.
  • The savings of up to 25% applies to the time-and-mileage charges only.
  • In the U.S., taxes, concession recovery fees, vehicle license recovery fee and customer facility charges may apply and are extra.
  • Optional products such as LDW ($35.99/day or less) and refueling are extra.
  • In Canada, all taxes (including Air Conditioning Excise Tax), fees (including Vehicle License Recovery Fee), and optional items (such as LDW) are additional.
  • Please mention coupon number MUHA021 take receive bonus points offer.
  • Avis Preferred members must mention a valid Club Carlson number at time of reservation or at time of rental to receive base and/or bonus points.
    All other rentals require the mention of Club Carlson number at time of rental to receive base and/or bonus points.
  • Offer is subject to vehicle availability at the time of rental and may not be available on some rates at some times, including some online rates at Avis.com.
  • Car rental return restrictions may apply.
  • Offer subject to change without notice.
  • Holiday and other blackout periods may apply.
  • Renter must meet Avis age, driver and credit requirements. Minimum rental age may vary by location. An additional daily surcharge may apply for renters under 25 years old.
  • Points accrual structure subject to change.
  • Rental must begin by June 30, 2014. [/box]



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