Club Carlson – Vigtige ændringer i deres programvilkår

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Club Carlson har netop annonceret at de ændre deres programvilkår.

De nye vilkår træder i kraft den 15/3-2014.

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Club Carlson Program Changes

Published February 19, 2014
Effective March 15, 2014

Club CarlsonSM still offers a “Faster Way to a Free Night Stay!” Members earn 20 Gold Points® for every dollar spent at participating Carlson Rezidor hotels, and Award Nights start at just 9,000 Gold Points. We reward our members’ loyalty with these and other generous options to earn and redeem points, and by offering world-class services and privileges.

The following changes will go into effect March 15, 2014.

Ways to Redeem Points:

  • Club Carlson members will now have a choice of room types when redeeming Gold Points for Award Nights. In addition to standard rooms, members can redeem additional points to stay in premium rooms at participating hotels. Members will be able to see additional room descriptions and amenities during the redemption process. Room types, availability and amenities will vary by hotel
  • Club Carlson will now offer an enhanced variety of additional gift cards at top merchants, with new redemption levels starting at 7,000 points
    • Some of the new cards available to U.S. members include Old Navy, Toys”R”Us® and American Eagle Outfitters
    • Some of the new cards available for Canadian members include Esso, WINNERS, Cineplex and WaySpa
  • Our hotel categories will be updated and will include a new tier for our most luxurious hotels, featuring the expertly curated destinations under the Quorvus Collection, which are expected to roll out soon
    • Click here for a list of participating Carlson Rezidor hotels and their new categories

Ways to Earn Points:

  • Club Carlson Members can now earn Gold Points on food and beverages purchased during Award Nights, if charged to the room
  • Our Gold Points bonus for booking a stay online will now be offered only on a promotional basis, so watch for upcoming opportunities

Elite Benefits:

  • Club Carlson members will be able to achieve Elite status faster – Eligible Stays and Award Nights will now both count toward Elite status
  • Concierge Elite members will still receive a 75% Gold Points bonus on Eligible Stays, and will still have access to the Concierge Elite reservation number on the back of the Concierge Elite member cards. Our 24/7 Global Concierge Service will be discontinued effective March 1st, 2014.
  • The Gold Points bonus on Eligible Stays will change to 35% for Gold Elite members and 15% for Silver Elite members

Terms & Conditions:

  • Our program terms and conditions will be  updated to reflect these changes as of March 15, 2014


Det som kan være interessant er at der kommer et nyt hotel level som gør at en mængde hoteller flytter rundt og dette betyder at en bonusnat på de bedste hoteller bliver dyrere. I dag er dyreste bonusovernatning 50.000 point og efter den 15/3-2014 er der et nyt level 7 som koster 70.000 point.


BF - Club Carlson - Hotels In FR New Cat


Dette er hoteller i Frankrig og alle stiger en katagori. Så en nat på Radisson Blu Hotel Champs Elysees, Paris koster nu 20.000 point mere per nat.

Konklusionen er at man nok bør overveje at lave bookinger inden den 15/3-2014 for at undgå at skulle bruge flere point.

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BF - Club Carlson - Overview af kæden


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