Denne side kan indeholde links til partnere, som betaler os kommission for salg.
Så kom Radisson med endnu et tilbud: Du får 25% rabat på bonusovernatninger. Tilbuddet gælder for ophold indtil 20. december. Reservationen skal foretages senest 25. oktober.
Vi har gået og ventet på, at også Radisson ville sænke prisen på bonusovernatninger. Det er jo velkendt, at priserne på hotellernes hjemmeside har været lave i et godt stykke tid. Men prisen på bonusovernatninger er ikke fulgt med ned. Derfor er pointene reelt blevet meget mindre værd. Men nu gør Radisson noget ved det: Du får 25% rabat på ophold betalt med point på udvalgte hoteller.
For at kunne få de billige bonusovernatninger, skal du tilmelde dig her. Derefter kan du reserverer det billige ophold (dette skal ske senest 25. oktober). Du skal være opmærksom på, at du skal betale den fulde pris for opholdet – og et par uger efter du er tjekket ud, kommer de 25% ind på kontoen. Opholdet skal afsluttes senest 20. december.
Rabatten gives kun på ophold, der betales fuldt ud med point. Du får ikke rabatten på ophold, der betales med en kombination af point og penge. Der gives heller ikke rabat på de aller billigste hoteller (dem, Radisson kalder kategori 1).
Der er specielt 3 forhold, du skal være opmærksom på:
- Dine ophold i år tæller med i optjeningen af status næste år. Både antallet af overnatninger og antallet af ophold overføres. Det kan du læse mere om i denne artikel.
- Du får 5.000 ekstra bonuspoint på hvert ophold – også bonusophold. Det kan du læse mere om i denne artikel.
- Hvis du mangler point på din konto, kan du købe dem billigt lige nu. Se denne artikel. Du skal dog være opmærksom på, at det kan gå nogle dage, før pointene står på din konto. Så køb dem ikke i sidste øjeblikket.
Det skal understreges, at Radisson Rewards nævner, at rabatten kun gælder for deltagende hoteller. Desværre har Radissons hjemmeside været nede, så jeg har ikke kunnet tjekke, hvilke hoteller, der er omfattet.
De detaljerede regler
Som altid gengiver vi betingelserne på engelsk for at undgå uklarheder i oversættelsen:
- The 25% points back (“Rebate”) Award Night Offer only applies to redemption night (hotel room) stays, excluding Category 1 hotels (“Eligible Stay”) within the Promotion Period and does not apply to other reward options such as Points + Cash room night redemptions. All reservations must be booked and consumed within the “Promotion Period” (the Booking Period and Stay Period combined) using Radisson Rewards points (redemptions). Reservations must be made between October 12 – October 25, 2020 (“Booking Period”) at, for Award Night stays at hotels in Categories 2 through 7. Eligible Stay(s) must arrive and depart between October 12 – December 20, 2020 (“Stay Period”).
- Registration is required to participate in the Promotion. Registration must be completed prior to check-out of the Eligible Stay.
- Any adjustments to Eligible Stays made after the Booking Period will be ineligible to earn the discount/rebate.
- Members must have the full amount of points in their account at the time of purchase. Members will receive a rebate of 25% of the points redeemed within 10 business days after the member has completed their stay (Example: If a member redeems 28,000 points, the member will receive a rebate of 7,000 points to their account). Point rebates for stays at hotels in Brazil will be awarded after the conclusion of the Stay Period.
- The Rebate will be credited as Bonus points to the member’s account. Bonus points will be visible under ‘My Account’ when you are logged in on
- Category 1 hotels are NOT eligible for this Promotion. Hotel Categories are subject to change at any time and at Radisson Hotels’ sole discretion.
- Points + Cash redemption stays, and in-hotel Express Awards are NOT eligible for this Promotion.
- Radisson Rewards members may redeem points for Award Nights at Participating Properties, subject to availability. Award Night reservations must be made in advance and must be made through the website, the Radisson Hotels mobile app, or through Radisson Hotel Group’s reservation center. Award Nights may not be combined with other certificates, discounts, packages are not commissionable, including without limitation commissions to travel agents. Award Nights apply to all Standard, Premium and Family room types. Additional occupants are subject to the Participating Property’s standard extra person charges. Award Nights are subject to each Participating Property’s cancellation, guarantee and deposit policies. Points equal to one night of an Award Night reservation will be deducted from your account if your reservation is not canceled in accordance with the Participating Property’s cancellation policy. Any incidental charges in connection with an Award Night are the sole responsibility of the member. Point rebates for stays at hotels in Brazil will be awarded after the conclusion of the Stay Period.
- Promotion is subject to the complete Radisson Rewards Terms and Conditions. Radisson Rewards reserves the right to add, modify, or discontinue Promotion without notice. Radisson Rewards is not responsible for any technical failures/interruptions, internet accessibility problems, incomplete or inaccurate registration information, or other errors of any kind that may affect your registration for this Promotion. This Promotion is not valid on previous reservations. Other exclusions may apply. Void where prohibited by law.
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