In line with its growth strategy, Finnair has today announced that it will open a new seasonal route from Helsinki to San Francisco in June 2017. The airline will operate three weekly flights between both cities from June 1 to September 30. The flights will be operated on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Thanks to Helsinki’s geographical location, Finnair’s new northern route to San Francisco will offer competitive travel times for customers from Scandinavia, the Baltics, Russia as well as from many European cities. San Francisco will be Finnair's fourth US destination, along with New York, Chicago and Miami. The new San Francisco flight will be operated within the Atlantic joint business between Finnair, American Airlines, British Airways and Iberia. The joint business offers customers additional flight choices, better connections and better pricing on transatlantic routes. Currently, the four airlines operate over 100 daily return flights between Europe and North America. “We are very pleased to be taking another step forward in the growth of our airline as San Francisco is an exciting new destination for all of our customers,” says Juha Järvinen, Chief Commercial Officer at Finnair. “In the same way as when Finnair flies to Asia, the northern position of our Helsinki hub will also present a quick alternative for our connecting European customers flying to North America’s West Coast.” Finnair will also add capacity to Spain, by opening a new route to Alicante with up to four weekly flights between March 26 and October 27. In addition, Finnair will also increase its flights to Malaga with two additional weekly flights between June and July, increasing frequencies to a total of eleven weekly flights. Last month, Finnair also announced new routes to Ibiza and Menorca for the summer 2017 season. The new flights are available for sale on as of today.
Det kan vel godt kaldes en form for angreb på SAS, specielt med ruten til San Francisco. GC Map siger at ruten ARN-HEL-SFO er omkring 150 miles kortere end ARN-CPH-SFO, så med den rigtige forbindelse i Helsinki kan der jo godt spares en smule tid ved at rejse den vej. Dertil kommer så den ekstra fleksibilitet som vel må ligge i at Finnair er med i den transatlantiske alliance inden for OW, med hvad det giver af flere rejseruter og måske også bedre priser. Der må de jo alt andet lige også have en fordel i forhold til SAS som står på egne ben i den sammenhæng.