DSB henter chef hos SAS.

Poster i 'NYHEDER' oprettet af Simon Toft, 23/10/14.

  1. Simon Toft

    Simon Toft Guest

  2. Nicki Lolk Sørensen

    Nicki Lolk Sørensen VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Pressemeddelelsen fra SAS:

    Executive Vice President and COO Flemming Jensen will leave SAS in May 2015 to assume the position of CEO for DSB A/S.

    - I have valued my collaboration with Flemming Jensen. Through his more than

    25 years at SAS, he has made a great contribution to the business, and I am sorry that he has decided to leave SAS. Having said that, I have great respect for his decision and am pleased that we at SAS can deliver truly competent leaders for challenging CEO positions in other companies, says Rickard Gustafson, SAS President & CEO.

    Flemming Jensen has been with SAS since 1989 when he joined as pilot. Since 2008, he has held a number of leading positions within SAS, of which the last three years as Executive Vice President and COO.

    - This has not been an easy decision, says Flemming Jensen. I'm extremely happy to be working for SAS, which is also the reason that I have been with the business for such a long time. SAS is a fascinating company with great people.

    However, the opportunity to use my experience in a role as CEO to contribute to developing DSBs business, is a challenge I could not resist.

    SAS has commenced the process to replace Flemming Jensen, who will continue as COO until May next year.
  3. PeterA

    PeterA VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Håber ikke det baner vejen for at svenskificere direktionen yderligere. I forvejen er der mange svenskere i ledelsen, hvilket ikke afspejler ejerforholdet. Håber blot, at de træffer beslutninger på et sagligt grundlag og ikke er påvirket af nationalfølelser, hvilket måske kunne skade CPH på sigt.

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