En Chat med... EuroBonus-chefen, Nils Lindhe

Poster i 'SAS | EUROBONUS' oprettet af Flemming Poulsen, 25/1/15.

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  1. Flemming Poulsen

    Flemming Poulsen VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Det er med stor glæde, at vi kan offentliggøre de første deltagere i en - forhåbentlig - ny tradition her på Bonusfeber.dk.... Nemlig "En Chat med..."

    Her vil vi invitere prominente personer fra rejsebranchen til en live chat med medlemmerne af Bonusfeber.dk

    Den første "En Chat med..." bliver med i

    SAS EuroBonus-chefen, Nils Lindhe (Vice President Loyalty).

    Denne live chat finder sted:

    Onsdag, den 4. februar 2015 - kl. 19.00

    Du er hermed inviteret til at stille dine spørgsmål på forhånd i denne tråd. Da interessen for at stille spørgsmål er stor, så kan vi ikke nødvendigvis garantere, at der bliver svaret på alle spørgsmål, men ved at stille spørgsmålene her på forhånd, så kan vi undgå dobbelt-spørgsmål og gæstens muligheder for at svare er desuden større, hvis han på forhånd kan forberede sig.

    For at undgå dobbelt spørgsmål og holde en god oversigtighed i denne tråd, så vil poster ikke blive vist her før de er gennemlæst og godkendt af en Bonusfeber-administrator. Denne tråd skal kun bruges til spørgsmål til Nils Lindhe og ikke til øvrige kommentarer eller spørgsmål.

    Forsøg venligst også at holde spørgsmålene korte, præcise og konkrete.

    Der vil også blive mulighed for at stille spørgsmål under live chatten og disse vil blive kombineret med spørgsmål stillet på forhånd i denne tråd.

    Spørgsmål kan stilles på dansk, svensk, norske og engelsk

    Senest redigeret: 30/1/15
    Kristian "Synes godt om" dette.
  2. Susie P. Arnesen

    Susie P. Arnesen Nyt medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Under det "gamle" Eurobonus system fik sølv-medlemmer ekstra 15% oveni optjente basispoint. Under det såkaldt "forbedrede" bonusprogram er denne fordel fjernet. Det er vanskeligt at se forbedringen for sølv-medlemmer, som givet udgør en ganske stor del af bonus-medlemmerne - men netop det er måske årsagen til denne forringelse?
    Flemming Poulsen "Synes godt om" dette.
  3. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas

    Tove Skutnabb-Kangas Nyt medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Suggestion: we who have been Gold members for many years, and then stop travelling much overseas when we are over 70 ((I'm soon 74) should have an honorary Gold status for the rest of our lives. A small thank you for having been loyal for years...
    Kenneth K og Flemming Poulsen "Synes godt om" dette.
  4. jakobv84

    jakobv84 Popcorn VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:

    This is more of a commentary than a question I suppose -- but i'd like your thoughts on the balance between adding complexity to the loyalty program vs. the needed reduction in pace of points earning.

    I completely understand the need to evaluate the pace at which loyalty members are earning and spending points. However, I think you made an unfortunate choice to add complexity to your program when de-evaluating the pace of earning points. I'd like to understand why you didn't pick a simpler option rather than differentiate based on booking classes that you customers have almost no control over. I think you could have achieved your desired reduction in pace of earnings while keeping the program simple by say:
    - Combining EU zones 2 and 3 at zone 2 point earning
    - Letting Plus earn 150% af GO across the board (rather than 200%)
    - Maintainining business earning at 200% of GO on intercontinental routes
    You may still need to de-evaluate GO relative to current earnings, but that could have been easily done.

    I think your differentiation of earning by booking class is simply confusing. If you are set on making earning points relative to ticket price, then just move to a revenue based program instead.


    mhsalv og Flemming Poulsen "Synes godt om" dette.
  5. Flemming Poulsen

    Flemming Poulsen VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:

    Chatten vil blive hosted af Randy Petersen og derfor vil vi gerne bede alle om at stille spørgsmålene på engelsk.
  6. Oskarp

    Oskarp Medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    I am 22 years, and love the youth sas tickets, and travel one time a month to italy to visit my girlfriend, been doing that for over a year and really love getting bonuspoint and travel with you, but not anymore, I think is a joke that you only give 500 points now to travel to italy and charge 600 points for a coke onboard. Does sas have any futures changes coming up for your young travelers?
    jefi99, Flemming Poulsen og mhsalv "Synes godt om dette"
  7. PeterA

    PeterA VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:

    I'm also a longterm member and recently achieved diamond tier status. Considering it requires twice as many flown status miles compared to Gold I have a hard time seeing why anyone would go for Diamond when there are only minimal benefits over Gold. Yes, I can point to this and that, but nothing that would make me keep flying *A-carriers once I have achieved Gold.

    Result is that I this year so far will be flying long haul on Norwegian and Qatar instead of SAS.

    Another thing is what Jakob is mentioning with regards to complexity in earnings. Before you had a certainty that you would always be credited with 100% mileage, but now you never know for sure. I would suggest you have an option in your booking system to upgrade to cheapest available booking class with 100% mileage. Air Canada has this option actually.

    I also think SAS should reevaluate their economy product, which has simply become too basic at least in comparison to your Asian competitors.

    The devaluation in points earnings as well as the product offered in economy leaves me no choice, but to look for other options when flying long haul to Asia.

    And flying in Europe? Might as well fly a full service airline now that point earnings have almost vanished - even on the longer intra-european flights. I strongly encourage you to change this.

    Flemming Poulsen "Synes godt om" dette.
  8. Henrik Olsen

    Henrik Olsen co-founder Redaktør

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:

    This actually do already exist. There is a "life time Gold" chance if you had been a Gold member for over 10 years. So I would recommend you to call SAS Customer Service and ask them for this "life time Gold" chance. It should start when you are over 60.

    I would love to hear from you what message you get back from SAS.

    Henrik Olsen
  9. mhsalv

    mhsalv VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Hi Niels,
    thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.

    One of the previous SAS marketing campaigns (EuroBonus 2.0, launched in April 2014) explicitly targeted the large group of not-so-frequent travellers, typically leasure travelers with perhaps a few work related flights a year. The EuroBonus 2.0 adjustments, including easier achievement of Silver status, were obviously a massive success given the massive influx in EB-members.

    As a student on a somewhat limited travel budget, I also fall into the category of not-so-frequent-traveler. I have greatly appreciated my Silver benefits, particularly extra luggage and the occasional lounge visit. This tiny taste of Gold-level benefits ensured that I countinously chose SAS throughout the recent years, and I seriously contemplated working actively towards a Gold status. However, the recent devaluations of EuroBonus means that ascending to Gold has become virtually impossible (and presumably so for quite a few other recently recruited Silver-members).

    Thus, my dilemma is now whether the value of Silver benefits exceeds the added cost of continuing to fly SK. Seeing that I primarily fly intra-Scandinavia, where SK's economy product doesn't distinguish itself significantly from other carriers, I believe I (and many other EB-members) will fall back into the category of "cheapest-alternative-regardless"-traveler. So:

    1) Why does SAS choose to drastically weaken the incentives which could ensure that recently recruited (Silver) members keep choosing SK over other carriers (...or in my somewhat sad case, Stena Line)? Choosing SAS was a lot easier when I could earn a reasonable amout of bonus points.

    2) What measures do SAS take in order to prevent that new members disappear as quicly as they came?

    3) Finally, why on earth did SAS choose to announce and implement these "improvements" (to quote the SAS email that EB-memebers received) on such a short notice?

    This effectively prevented passengers from properly preparing for the changes. In my case, a couple of more months would have allowed me to rack up a couple of more flighs, securing a higher membership level and thus loyalty for years to come. Admittedly, less SAS in my life does feel a tad sad, whereas unfortunately that doesn't change the fact of the matter.

    Best regards,
    obs, asf og Nicki Lolk Sørensen "Synes godt om dette"
  10. Kristian

    Kristian VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Quick question, why should I strive for being a EBB Diamond member? - what are the Perks/treatment that justify that I should go for this than "just" being a Gold Member? As Diamond member and traveller, I do place significant amounts in the pockets of SAS, however, there are nothing that really makes me feel special? - For instance, the "Goodiebag", I can choose between Cinema tickets, Golf card, card for home movies and a an eating card? - not even a Welcome letter were presented to me, so i could feel special and say, yes, I did it and I feel the appreciation!
    Kenneth K, mhsalv og THammer "Synes godt om dette"
  11. Kristian

    Kristian VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    With the new adjustments for EBB earnings, I do believe that knowing your customers were not the priority for making these new adjustments! So what do you want? Businesstravelers or Leisuretravellers? If you want Businesstravellers, I do believe you should listen to them or at least ask them before major changes happens! As my first boss told me in my first job, who is paying your salary? I said, you do? and he said, no, t is the customers that pays your salary ultimately! ANd you couldn't have asked your customers with these new changes...

    1) Earnings, it really seems to have been made in a rush, as one get the same amount of points regardless if I fly Barcelona, Gazipasa or Hamburg? How did you foster this concept? you never used miles/kilometers, you never did it on revenue (util now), so a more fair changes in earnings you must be able to do?

    2) Earnings and Spend! It really sems out of range, that I have to fly 40 times to London on SAS GO, and still have to pay taxes/landing taxes for a bonus trip... - this ratio is not fair and neither clever, as a ticket to London is approx 1.000 DKK. We need more value, the ratio is simply not good or attractive enough!

    3) Beneits, upgrade for instance, until now there has not been any perks for being a EBD, welcome Goodie bag is not showing the right appreciation - you need to do better, upgrades? confirmed upgrades? 2 Intercon and 2 Euope for instance? this would create loyalty as one had to buy the ticket in order to get these upgrades, so revenue is secured!

    4) Optionstown, great with Europe travel, and of course we understand the changes for this, with the new SAS earnings... - But do it wisely with Optionstown, as you might know, we are many travellers that are under company restricted travel, in Europe, so we have to upgrade ourselves to retain the Perks and of course the earnings in SAS Plus, so ensure that it is a high class earning we get with this new Optionstown change

    5) When we buy On-line, there ar eno way, that we can decide or get reveled the booking class, so why this sudden change? Many company have internal portals, where there are no choices in bookingclasses either!

    6) Notifications, why change with so little time to make any corrections, this wasn't a small deal for us travelers, what happened. You didn't ask your customers to prepare for this or give them the chance to consider!

    7) Basicpoints, we can only in Denmark do it with Travel, however, in Sweden they would have AMEX, so why not also have such opportunity here in Denmark? so Swedes would have easier access to get Basicpoints than others!

    8) Basicpoints, why don't you introduce that if a ticket is bought through SAS website, you earn basicpoints, that would create traffic and revenue yhrough yur webiste and we get the benefit of earning more qualifying basicpoins!

    Finally, I think you need to give more back to your loyal customers, we all have a choice and it is all about supply and demand!
    Kenneth K, jefi99 og THammer "Synes godt om dette"
  12. Flemming Poulsen

    Flemming Poulsen VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Da den samtidige chat med Club Carlson er udskudt, så inviterer vi nu alle til at stille spørgsmål på dansk også.... Venligst hold spørgsmål korte og præcise, så de passer til at kunne bruges i en chat. Desuden opfordrer vi alle til at holde et sagligt niveau og være konkrete i spørgmålet.
    jefi99 "Synes godt om" dette.
  13. Jesper Thomsen

    Jesper Thomsen Medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Når SAS Eurobonus foreninger vilkårene som har gjort pr. 1 januar ville det så ikke være rimmeligt at i varsler det som eksempelvis British Airways lige har gjort?.
    jefi99 "Synes godt om" dette.
  14. Jesper Thomsen

    Jesper Thomsen Medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Would not it be an idea to SAS EuroBonus recognizes members who have gold status in several years (I have EBG / EBP) for more than 20 years!
    Senest redigeret: 2/2/15
    Ulrik "Synes godt om" dette.
  15. Kenneth K

    Kenneth K SAS Diamond, Hyatt Globalist, Lufthansa Senator

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Agree, SAS could for their costumers in Denmark and Noway create equal opportunitys with Diners and/or Mastercard, so just remove the opportunity from AMEX in Sweden, why does SAS do that.
  16. jefi99

    jefi99 Titanium VIP Member

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Haha, det ville da være total jantelov!
    Nicki Lolk Sørensen, Kenneth K, asf og 1 anden person "Synes godt om dette".
  17. Flemming Poulsen

    Flemming Poulsen VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Jeg er nu ved at gennemgå alle spørgsmål og forbedrede dem til Nils Lindhe. Flere af dem omhandler mere produktrelaterede ting og ikke så meget EuroBonus. Derfor en opfordring til udelukkende at stille spørgsmål om EuroBonus og gemme spørgsmål om servicekoncepter m.v. til en anden god gang...

    Kom gerne med flere spørgsmål i tråden, så vi kan få en god chat imorgen...

    Konstruktive spørgsmål er meget velkomne....
  18. Schwert

    Schwert Grumpy old men RULES!!!

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Dear Niels

    SAS has a 5 mill member target for Eurobonus. How does that correspond with the devaluation of the program? IMHO you might reach that number, but it will NOT be real FF's you will have maybe 75% "once a year" and silver members - maybe the agenda is very different than being an attractive FF program??
    If NOT - how will you stop the "Lemming movement" to OW?? (Just check the number of the most FF's here on Bonusfeber, who are changing flight strategy)

    Best regards
    Schwert (who will NOT requalify for EBD)
    jefi99 og Kristian "Synes godt om" dette.
  19. Bente Dahl

    Bente Dahl Nyt medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Hi Niels.
    Hvad er tidshorizonten på at kunne bestille Star Alliance bonus billetter on line i stedet at bruge SAS hotline?

    United Airlines, kan så er jeg helt sikker på at SAS også kan.

    Vh Bente - EBG - Diamond
  20. Frequie

    Frequie VIP medlem

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    Kære Niels

    Hvorfor fokuserer I ikke mere på jeres kerneprodukt når I skal belønne jeres Diamond medlemmer?

    De fleste af os er ikke interesserede i goodie bag høretelefoner, forlystelsesparker og lignende. Vi vil hellere have nogle upgrade vouchers, nogle bonus point eller lignende. Hvis jeg mangler høretelefoner eller forlystelsesparker så kan jeg få det hundredvis af andre steder. Men det er kun jer der kan give mig upgrade vouchers til SAS fly. Det gør at jeg til enhver tid vil værdsætte det mere - og det er sandsynligvis også billigere for jer, end at I skal ud og bruge penge på tredje-parts produkter eller services.
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