Spændende at de både opererer med A330 til longhaul og ATR til indenrigs. Lad os håbe det er mindre dilletantisk end Greenland Express, der fik selv Norwegian longhaul til at virke professionelt !
Nu sker der ting og sager: Sky Greenland (Aalborg), previously known as Greenland Express (Aalborg), has acquired Netherlands-based ACMI/charter specialist Denim Air ACMI (J7, Amsterdam) for an undisclosed sum. The agreement was signed on January 18 and is currently awaiting approval by the relevant Dutch authorities, the parties said in a statement. Denim Air ACMI's inventory consists of fifty staff and one ERJ-145, two Fokker 100s, and one Fokker 50. For its part, Sky Greenland is readying itself for a return to service later this year using a fleet of fiveSSJ 100-95s to connect mainland Europe with North America using Greenland as a transit hub. It is recalled that Denim Air was Greenland Express's launch partner during its maiden foray into the scheduled passenger market between 2013 and 2014. Having been a virtual carrier in the past, it is believed the Greenlandic airline will use Denim Air's existing AOC to transform itself into a fully-fledged scheduled operator. kilde: http://www.ch-aviation.com/portal/news/43281-sky-greenland-acquires-denim-air-acmi
Det er så 3. eller 4. gang han prøver, jeg tror ikke at jeg vil være blandt demsom køber billetter før de faktisk flyver.