Træls for jer der nåede at booke. Men mon ikke også der dukker andre gode deals op i fremtiden, selvom denne var sjældent god (og også for god)
Og den officielle:
Muligvis man har en god sag, hvis man rent faktisk bor i Danmark og har dansk kreditkort (og derfor normalt ville betale i DKK) - og gider klage til DOT over en pris som var for god til at være sand: § 399.88 Prohibition on post-purchase price increase. (a) It is an unfair and deceptive practice within the meaning of 49 U.S.C. 41712 for any seller of scheduled air transportation within, to or from the United States, or of a tour (i.e., a combination of air transportation and ground or cruise accommodations), or tour component (e.g., a hotel stay) that includes scheduled air transportation within, to or from the United States, to increase the price of that air transportation, tour or tour component to a consumer, including but not limited to an increase in the price of the seat, an increase in the price for the carriage of passenger baggage, or an increase in an applicable fuel surcharge, after the air transportation has been purchased by the consumer, except in the case of an increase in a government-imposed tax or fee. A purchase is deemed to have occurred when the full amount agreed upon has been paid by the consumer.
Mine bookinger kan i hvert fald stadig hentes frem. Edit: Not anymore. Var booket! 25 Sept: LHR-SFO-HNL-LAX-LHR 23 Okt: LHR-SFO-ORD-LHR
Ser ud til at alle bookinger ud af UK i DKK bliver slettet. Men ved tidligere tilfælde, så skete det samme - og det lykkedes for nogen at få dem genoprettet, hvis man klagede og "truede" med DOT.
Men hedder det ikke at man skal have handlet i god tro? Eller måske ikke hvis det er en amerikansk instans?
Nu er jeg ikke forbrugerjurist, men jeg ville da umiddelbart mene det var EU-regler der gør sig gældende, når der er tale om rejser booket fra LHR (En europæisk startdestination på rejsen). Følgende er sakset fra den danske Forbrugerstyrelses hjemmeside om fejlpriser (går ud fra at EU-reglerne må ligger tæt op ad dette): Hvilken vare der var tale om Hvilket kendskab en almindelig forbruger normalt har til prisniveauet på den pågældende vare Hvor stor forskel der var på den fejlagtigt tilbudte pris og den pris, som den erhvervsdrivende mener, er den reelle pris Hvor mange eksemplarer af varen forbrugeren havde købt Om der var tale om slagtilbud eller kampagne e.l. Jeg vil nok mene at hvis man har købt 4-5 rejser på første klasse, gennem et kreativt "valuta-konverterings-trick" til 500 kr., sammenlignet med en normalpris på ca. 30.000 kr. er det svært at dokumentere at man har handlet i god tro...
Mener faktisk ikke det betyder noget i USA. Men der er vist noget i reglerne om at man ikke bevidst bevidst må give forkert information. F.eks. som at opgive en dansk adresse når man bor i USA. Men er ikke helt sikker.
Hvis rejser går til/fra USA eller har stop på over 24 timer, så kan man klage til DOT. Uanset nationalitet....
Mine to er i hvert fald blevet slettet. Men det er uklart om de har tilbageført penge. Det fremgår nemlig således at det er en booking blot uden segmenter. I øvrigt står det anført, at jeg kan bruge beløbet til en anden UA flyvning. EDIT: Nu har jeg også fået mail fra United på, at mine 2 bookinger er blevet annulleret.
Hvem melder sig frivilligt til at holde sig opdateret på flyertalk tråden? Kun 2100+ indlæg indtil videre...
Jeg er i gang med at pløje mig igennem... bagfra! Men generelt er holdningerne, at man har en god sag hos DoT.
Og hermed de første annulleringer kommet: Har I modtaget en mail?
jeg har modtaget denne kl 0551 idag We have discovered an error with a vendor's currency exchange rates that temporarily allowed customers to book reservations through the Danish version of at prices that were incorrect, despite United having filed the fares properly. We have suspended sales from our Danish website until the issue is corrected. You purchased tickets through the Danish version of during the time when the prices were incorrect. As a result, we are not able to honor your tickets at the price that you paid. We have voided your reservations and will not process your payment. Confirmation numbers: I6NSR8, IBBLV1 If you would like to book your travel at the correct price, please visit
Fra FlyerTalk: According to USA Today, Ben Mutzabaugh: Quote: United is voiding the bookings of several thousand individuals who were attempting to take advantage of an error a third-party software provider made when it applied an incorrect currency exchange rate, despite United having properly filed its fares. Most of these bookings were for travel originating in the United Kingdom, and the level of bookings made with Danish Kroner as the local currency was significantly higher than normal during the limited period that customers made these bookings. Note that United has also accidentally cancelled "legitimate" tickets paid for in USD, purchased in USD from LHR... Please check your other tickets if purchased today to ensure they were not unilaterally cancelled. However, there is a very high probability that you can have your tickets re-instated if you complain to DOT on the basis ofDOT rule § 399.88: Quote: § 399.88 Prohibition on post-purchase price increase. (a) It is an unfair and deceptive practice within the meaning of 49 U.S.C. 41712 for any seller of scheduled air transportation within, to or from the United States, or of a tour (i.e., a combination of air transportation and ground or cruise accommodations), or tour component (e.g., a hotel stay) that includes scheduled air transportation within, to or from the United States, to increase the price of that air transportation, tour or tour component to a consumer, including but not limited to an increase in the price of the seat, an increase in the price for the carriage of passenger baggage, or an increase in an applicable fuel surcharge, after the air transportation has been purchased by the consumer, except in the case of an increase in a government-imposed tax or fee. A purchase is deemed to have occurred when the full amount agreed upon has been paid by the consumer. Form for filing DOT complaint. File complaint as soon as your ticket is cancelled. Tips for DOT Complaint: File on DOT for every ticket number affected. If you have one reservation with four people traveling (four tickets) file 4 DOT complaints one for each ticket. If you have separate reservations, file a DOT complaint for each. The DOT complaint website may take several minutes to load, depending on demand. When you go to upload a file, be careful as it will reset all your radio buttons. So, if you want a copy of the complaint, make sure you double check that "Yes" is still selected before submitting, especially if you upload a file. Template For Complaint: Quote: United has unilaterally cancelled my ticket without my consent. Facts: 1. The ticket was ticketed (had a ticket number). 2. I received a confirmation number, ticket number, and emails stating both 3. The ticket was paid for and my credit card charged. United must reinstate the ticket within its original cabin. This trip is for travelTOthe United States. Trip Details Ticket #: 016XXXXXXXXXX PNR: XXXXXX Routing: LHR-EWR-LAX-HNL Attachments: Attached is a document showing the ticket, routing, and providing proof that the reservation was ticketed. Filename: Cancelled - UA Reservation - LHR-EWR-LAX-HNL - XXXXXX - 016XXXXXXXXXX.pdf +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Relevant Law | || +-------------------------------------------------------+ § 399.88 Prohibition on post-purchase price increase. (a) It is an unfair and deceptive practice within the meaning of 49 U.S.C. 41712 for any seller of scheduled air transportation within, to or from the United States, or of a tour (i.e., a combination of air transportation and ground or cruise accommodations), or tour component (e.g., a hotel stay) that includes scheduled air transportation within, to or from the United States, to increase the price of that air transportation, tour or tour component to a consumer, including but not limited to an increase in the price of the seat, an increase in the price for the carriage of passenger baggage, or an increase in an applicable fuel surcharge, after the air transportation has been purchased by the consumer, except in the case of an increase in a government-imposed tax or fee. A purchase is deemed to have occurred when the full amount agreed upon has been paid by the consumer. +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Relevant FAQ | || +-------------------------------------------------------+ Does the prohibition on post-purchase price increases in section 399.88(a) apply in the situation where a carrier mistakenly offers an airfare due to a computer problem or human error and a consumer purchases the ticket at that fare before the carrier is able to fix the mistake? Section 399.88(a) states that it is an unfair and deceptive practice for any seller of scheduled air transportation within, to, or from the United States, or of a tour or tour component that includes scheduled air transportation within, to, or from the United States, to increase the price of that air transportation to a consumer after the air transportation has been purchased by the consumer, except in the case of a government-imposed tax or fee and only if the passenger is advised of a possible increase before purchasing a ticket. A purchase occurs when the full amount agreed upon has been paid by the consumer. Therefore, if a consumer purchases a fare and that consumer receives confirmation (such as a confirmation email and/or the purchase appears on their credit card statement or online account summary) of their purchase, then the seller of air transportation cannot increase the price of that air transportation to that consumer, even when the fare is a “mistake.”