Hi, I was hoping people in this forum could share their experiences with SAS changing earnings on certain booking classes on partner airlines retroactively. I flew with Ethiopian in the beginning of October in H class and U class, which would have earned me 100% miles flown. I even checked the week up to my flight, and the ticket was bought in the start of August. They changed the earnings for these classes last week to 25 % of the miles flown, which is substantially less points earned. The website now says that the old points chart is valid until 31 August 2015 and the new one is valid from 1 September 2015. Do any of you have positive experiences getting SAS to credit you the right amount of points. I only have Silver status so maybe they don't care. If they will only let me earn 25% I think I will change my award program for the return trip to Turkish Airlines Miles and Smiles. Also since I have another upcoming trip on a Star Alliance airline where Turkish credits more points than SAS. Anyway, has any of you ever tried claiming the miles you were entitled to before on of these updates to the charts on the SAS website?
Hello I had a similary experience with SAS and Lufthansa just a few months ago. The clear answer from SAS Eurobonus, was that its just "too bad" there is no way of getting the full points, even though you where entitled to them when you booked...
Thank your for your reply. I guess it's these kind of things that make people choose other programs than Eurobonus. I will change program, in order to get more points, better options for long haul award routes, possibility of companion tickets and so on.
What programme offers you these possibilities? Im looking for another A* programme, when my EBG status runs out next autumn.
Så vidt jeg ved, er det de færreste programmer, der varsler ændringer i optjeningen lang tid i forvejen - især når det handler om partnere. Mht Ethiopian, så ser det ud som om, at de har skåret optjeningen til en række programmer, og ikke kun Eurobonus. Se fx http://www.wheretocredit.com/ethiopian-airlines/q Jeg regner faktisk selv med at skulle på et par Mileage Runs med ET til foråret for at bibeholde mit OZ*G-kort, der kræver 40.000 point pr 24 mdr. Og til det formål er ET fremragende.
Jeg er selv OZ*G som nævnt. Jeg meldte mig ind, da det var endnu mere attraktivt. Fx 100% miles på billigste LX bookingklasser. Det er stadig meget attraktivt hvis man kigger på hvor relativt let det er at få *G status. I nogle år har man dog været overhalet indenom af Aegean, men de har også skærpet kravene, og kræver nu at man ren faktisk flyver med dem. Men OZ's svage punkt er redemptions, hvor det i sammenligning med de mest attraktive programmer, er relativt dyrt at købe award-rejser. Jeg har selv brugt point til at flyve på First Class med dem. En anden ret attraktiv ting ved OZ Asiana Miles-programmet er, at man bliver lifetime gold med bare 500.000 status miles. Jeg er cirka halvvejs nu
I was considering TK, because they offer more points on the carriers I usually fly with, they have a more extensive network for long haul and they offer 50% discount in points for an award ticket if you are traveling with a companion who has paid for a full fare ticket (which might be quite a lot, but at least they offer this option). Plus they have low surcharges on their award tickets. I haven't really gone through their program in detail yet, but on the surface they sure look better than SAS Eurobonus. Does anyone have any experiences with TK Miles and Smiles?