June 5, 2015 11:00 / Capital market / English • SAS carried a total of 2.4 million passengers in May. • The total traffic (RPK) decreased by 8.7%. • The total capacity (ASK) was reduced by 4.4%. • The total load factor decreased by 3.4 p.u. to 73.6%. • The currency adjusted yield and PASK were up 13.6% and 0.6% respectively in April. The nominal yield and PASK were up 18.7% and 5.1% respectively. Market trends Market conditions in Scandinavia have temporarily stabilized and the balance between capacity and demand has improved in comparison with 2014. SAS summer program has been well received with incoming bookings at expected levels. However, the competition remains very intensive in certain markets. PASK and yield development In April 2015, SAS’ currency adjusted yield and PASK were up 13.6% and 0.6% respectively as expected. The nominal yield and PASK were up 18.7% and 5.1% respectively. In May 2015 the change in the currency adjusted yield vs. last year is expected to be single digit positive, and the change in the currency adjusted PASK vs. last year is expected to be close to unchanged. SAS scheduled traffic development in May SAS traffic development in May 2015 is an outcome of the reduced capacity by 2.7%, more active yield management, uncertainties relating to industrial actions and shall also be set in relation to the strong traffic growth, very high passenger load factor and weak yield last year. In total 147 flights were cancelled in May 2015 due to industrial actions. Booking levels have normalized after the completion of new modern pilot collective bargain agreements. Traffic during May decreased 7.3%, which resulted in a decline in the load factor of 3.6 p.u. to 72.2%. SAS intercontinental capacity was decreased by 9.3% and the traffic was down 9.6%. SAS traffic on European/Intrascandinavian routes decreased 6.8% from high levels last year. Domestic traffic was down 4.2% and capacity was down 2.4%. Documents wkr0006.pdf
Kan ikke rigtig tyde om dette er godt el. skidt. Passagerantallet og loadfaktor er jo ret skidt (dog har der også været uro og strejke) - men yield og PASK er højt - hvorimod det var meget lavt sidste år. Hvad mener I?
et hurtigt kig er aktiekursen: http://www.sasgroup.net/en/the-share/ - i dag faldt den lidt, ikke meget, men lidt, men set over marts til juni er aktien faldet med 4 point fra 18.3 til 14.45, dvs. ca. 25%, hvilket er meget... - så den her måned var ingen overraskelse! Jeg tror ikke det går overdrevet godt, men den rigtige ej... - endvidere var maj 2014 vist også en exceptionel god måned.. og så alt det andet med strejke osv er jo aldrig godt...