SAS Trafiktal September 2015

Poster i 'PRESSEMEDDELELSER' oprettet af alexanderln, 7/10/15.

  1. alexanderln

    alexanderln Cakespade member

    "Synes godt om" modtaget:
    • Scheduled traffic (RPK) was up 0.6% and the capacity (ASK) was reduced by 0.1%.

    • The load factor improved by 0.6 p.u. to 77.2%.

    • SAS carried 2.6 million scheduled passengers in September, down 0.6%.

    • The currency adjusted yield and PASK were up 1.2% and 0.3% respectively in August. The nominal yield and PASK were up 3.3% and 2.5% respectively.

    Market trends

    Market conditions in Scandinavia have temporarily stabilized and the balance between capacity and demand has improved in comparison with 2014. However, the competition remains very intensive in certain markets and the demand in regions with high exposure to the oil sector in particularly Norway has weakened.

    PASK and yield development

    In August 2015, SAS’ currency adjusted yield and PASK were up 1.2% and 0.3% respectively, as anticipated. The nominal yield and PASK were up 3.3% and 2.5% respectively. In September 2015 the currency adjusted PASK is expected to be marginally lower than last year.

    SAS scheduled traffic development in September

    SAS decreased its scheduled capacity in September by 0.1%. The traffic, however, increased by 0.6%, primarily driven by growth on intercontinental routes. The load factor improved 0.6 p.u. to 77.2%.

    SAS intercontinental capacity increased 5.6% and the traffic was up 2.9%. The growth was driven by the new route between Stockholm and Hong Kong. On European/ Intrascandinavian routes, capacity was reduced by 3.7% but traffic only fell 0.5%, with strongest performance on routes to/from Sweden. Domestic traffic was down 0.6%, while capacity was increased 0.4%.

    Må synes at være bedre end Sydbanks-dommedagsprofetten-Jakob havde spået..
    jefi99 og AMJ "Synes godt om" dette.

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