SAS delivers substantial earnings improvement August 2015 – October 2015 Income before tax: MSEK 867 (-450) Income before tax and nonrecurring items: MSEK 1,338 (789) Revenue: MSEK 10,903 (10,966) Unit revenue (PASK) declined 0.5% [1] Unit cost (CASK) increased 3.5% [2] EBIT margin: 11.8% (-2.3%) Net income for the period: MSEK 517 (-303) Earnings per common share: SEK 1.31 (-1.21) The outlook for the full year 2015/2016 is presented on page 8 The Board of Directors proposes that no dividends be paid to holders of SAS AB’s common shares The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 50 on each preference share November 2014 – October 2015 Income before tax: MSEK 1,417 (-918) Income before tax and nonrecurring items: MSEK 1,174 (-697) Revenue: MSEK 39,650 (38,006) Unit revenue (PASK) increased 3.8% [1] Unit cost (CASK) increased 3.3% [2] EBIT margin: 5.6% (0.4%) Net income for the period: MSEK 956 (-719) Earnings per common share: SEK 1.84 (-3.03) [1] Currency adjusted. [2] Currency adjusted and excluding jet fuel. Comments by the President and CEO of SAS: “SAS reported positive income before tax and nonrecurring items of MSEK 1,174 for the 2014/2015 fiscal year. This was a significant year-on-year improvement, primarily driven by our commercial successes, cost measures and, in the fourth quarter, by lower jetfuel costs. During the year, we have implemented extensive improvements aimed at frequent travelers and these have delivered clear results. However, the unit cost after adjustments for currency and jet fuel increased during the year, which is unsatisfactory. We now need to work even more intensively with implementation of the continued cost measures to improve our long-term competitiveness. Altogether, the product enhancements and the implemented cost measures have created new preconditions enabling us to open new long-haul routes to Los Angeles, Miami and Boston next year. We know that competition will intensify moving forward, but given our improved financial position, our focused enhancement initiatives and our customers’ positive response, we have an excellent starting position. We are continuing our dedicated efforts to make life easier for our frequent travelers with time-saving and smooth journeys to sought-after destinations,” says Rickard Gustafson, SAS President and CEO. Related Documents Year-end Report November 2014 – October 2015 (PDF) (.pdf)
Stadig en dråbe i havet i forhold ti min købskurs Men i det mindste i den rigtige retning.... Det kræver nok mange år i træk med milliardoverskud inden min investering er hjemme igen
Haha... Tror mine er fra dengang kursen var 125 Et par emmissioner og kriser siden De burde sende mig et Diamond eller Pandion kort for at være så loyal
Er du ikke EBD i forvejen? I øvrigt havde @Henrik Olsen og jeg fornøjelsen af at dele sæderække med en EBP fra ARN-CPH den anden dag... Seatblocking virkede så godt, at end ikke hans kone kunne få sædet ved siden af. Hun måtte sidde på rækken foran