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Den store London Heathrow lufthavn (LHR) udgiver hvert kvartal en liste over hvilke flyselskaber er de mindst støjende og reneste flyselskaber. I første kvartal var SAS på førstepladsen med 944 point ud af 1.000 mulige.
At SAS ender på en meget fin førsteplads har helt sikkert noget at gøre med, at SAS netop i øjeblikket benytter deres nye selskab SAS Ireland til at flyve på mange af ruterne ud af netop London Heathrow.
SAS Ireland har netop kun de nyeste fly, som SAS har. Det er de nye fly af modellen Airbus A320neo, som bruges og de er bestemt meget mere støjsvage og brændstofvenlige end mange af deres konkurrenters fly er.
I 4. kvartal 2017 lå SAS på en 5. plads, så det er blevet en god stigning her indeværende kvartal. Det bliver spændende at se om SAS kan holde førstepladsen.
Bunden af listen
I den anden ende af listen ender EgyptAir på en klar sidsteplads. EgyptAir får kun 267 point ud af de 1.000 mulige point.
Listen ser således ud:
EgyptAir (50), Kuwait Airways (49), Turkish Airlines [short haul] (48), El Al (47), Pakistan International Airlines (46), Turkish Airlines [long haul] (45), Korean Air (44), DHL (43), China Southern (42), Air China (41), og Gulf Air (40) som slutter med 642 point ud af de 1.000 mulige og slutter på plads nummer 40.
Du kan læse mere om listen her.
Mere om London Heathrow tiltag
London Heathrow gør meget for at sikre at lufthavnen støjer mindst muligt, samt at det miljømæssige foraftryk bliver så lavt som muligt.
Hør mere om tiltaget “Fly Quiet and Clean” på denne hjemmeside og i nedenstående video:
Forsidefoto: London Heathrow
Unfortunately, SAS did not actually come first among the airlines analysed. Its true final position in the rankings was 3rd.
Why? Because according to Heathrow’s scoring system, SAS was placed 10th and 15th, respectively, for the two highest-weighted metrics – CDA violations and Track-keeping – losing 125 Fly Quiet points as a result. So SAS can’t possibly have scored 944 out of 1000.
Thanks for the comments and I do agree that looking at each metrics there could be some changes. But then LHR must have made an error in their own report?
Heathrow awards airlines, on average, around 44% more “Fly Quiet” points than their actual environmental performance would merit under the rules of the programme. That’s one way of making airlines’ performance look greener, I suppose.
Unfortunately, this increase isn’t applied uniformly across the board, so the net effect is to distort the relative rankings of the airlines. One result of this, in the current quarter, is to propel SAS into an unwarranted first place.
Under the published rules, an airline that performed best at all seven metrics would score 1,000 points and one that was worst at everything would score 0. Common sense and logic dictate that the overall average score across all the airlines should be 500 (slightly higher if there tied places for any of the metrics). The average score awarded by Heathrow in the current quarter is 764 out of 1,000 – which is plainly ridiculous.