Nu har jeg fået svar fra Kiva. Nu har Kiva åbenbart 2 modeller: Fixed og Flexible funding. Ved Fixed Funding skal hele lånet være finansieret i løbet af 30 dage - ellers bliver lånet ikke til noget. Ved Flexible funding får låntager det beløb, der er rejst i løbet af 30 dage. Du kan se modellen i listen af facts for lånet på kivas hjemmeside.
Jeg har allerede taget konsekvensen: Jeg låner kun ud til "Fixed funding" for at undgå at der er alt for mange små lån (jeg er lige kommet med på et 100 USD lån i Kenya). Jeg regner med at være mere sikker på at få mine penge, når jeg kun har store lån.
Svaret fra Kiva er her:
Hi Henry,
Thanks for asking about the concept of loan expiration.
In an effort to maximize the amount of money sent to borrowers, in many cases we will now send partially-funded loans to the field. Each loan page will indicate under “Loan details” whether the loan has a fixed or a flexible funding model.
Fixed funding is the current model, in which the full amount of the loan must be raised within 30 days in order for the funds to be sent to the field. If the loan doesn’t reach its goal, any amount raised will be refunded to contributing lenders and no money will be sent to the partner.
Flexible funding allows for whatever amount raised within 30 days to be sent to the Field Partner, regardless of whether the full loan amount is raised. The Field Partner will use other sources of funding to provide the remaining amount for the borrower. We don't track the partner-funded portion of the loan, only the amount funded by Kiva lenders.
In cases where loans expire, the borrower usually isn't negatively affected. For partner loans, it's common for Field Partners to use their own capital to fund a loan before posting it on Kiva and then backfill that amount with funds provided by lenders.
In these cases, while a loan expiration may not directly impact the borrower, because as you mentioned, most loans on Kiva are pre-disbursed so the borrower receives the funds from other sources. However, the issue is that their repayments cannot be tracked on Kiva unless the loan is fully funded, and the partner may not be able to lend to other members of their community as much as they would if the loan were funded. We hope that this flexible model will ultimately send more money to the field to expand our partners' reach.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Best wishes,
Community Manager